Keeping Your Australian Shepherd Cool in the Summer

Australian Shepherd cool summer

Keeping Your Australian Shepherd Cool in the Summer can be challenging! The Australian Shepherd has a glorious thick coat that serves them well in cooler weather. But as summertime temperatures rise, owners need to take steps to prevent overheating in this heat-sensitive breed. Left unchecked on hot days, Australian Shepherds can succumb to heat stroke.

With advanced preparation, adjustments to their exercise routine, access to shade and cooling surfaces, and attentiveness to signs of heat stress, Australian Shepherd owners can take proactive steps to keep their dogs comfortable when the mercury climbs. This article covers simple but effective tips for keeping your Aussie cool all summer long.

Brush Out the Winter Undercoat

A key step in summer preparation involves fully removing your Australian Shepherd’s dense winter undercoat. Long-haired Aussies in particular accumulate thick undercoats that function wonderfully for insulation against cold and wet conditions. However, this excess coat hampers their ability to stay cool in summer.

Regular brushing year-round helps remove dead hair and prevent matting. But focus especially on thorough brushing when seasons change. Use an undercoat rake to remove the shedding undercoat so air can properly circulate to their skin for evaporative cooling. Going into the warm months with a well-groomed coat is crucial.

Provide Access to Shade

Seeking shade is an instinctive behavior dogs use to avoid overheating. Ensure your Australian Shepherd always has ready access to shaded spots in your yard. Strategically plant trees or erect shade shelters in areas they frequent. You might also install a small wading pool they can lounge in.

On walks, plan routes with ample trees or shade. Bring a portable pop-up shade tent to the park. Inside, ensure your home stays reasonably climate controlled with cooling systems so overheating risk is minimized. Proper shade makes a big difference.

Schedule Australian Shepherd Exercise Carefully

Avoid strenuous exercise with your Australian Shepherd during peak hot daylight hours. Schedule activities like hiking, fetching, or herding work for early mornings and evenings when temperatures drop. The hottest afternoon hours should be reserved for rest.

Adjust the intensity of exercise based on the weather that day. Cooler days allow longer or more vigorous play. On sweltering days, focus on mental stimulation through training or food puzzles rather than physical exertion. Monitor your Aussie closely for overheating signs during all activity.

Australian Shepherd cool summer

Provide Access to Cool Water

Dehydration poses a real risk on hot days. Always ensure your Australian Shepherd has ready access to fresh, cool water both indoors and outdoors. Check multiple times daily to refill water and rinse buckets on hot days, as water can quickly become heated. Consider adding ice cubes to the bowl as well.

Always bring ample water on car trips, walks and trips to the park. Let your Australian Shepherd drink freely but avoid gulping. Bring a collapsible bowl when on the go. Proper hydration helps regulate body temperature.

Introduce Cooling Accoutrements

From cooling vests to chilled treats, a variety of dog accessories help lower your Australian Shepherd’s body temperature. Useful cooling aids include:

  • Cooling mats – These cushioned pads contain gel inserts that absorb heat. Great for crates, beds and outdoor use.
  • Splash pads – On hot patios or decks, a water filled splash pad provides a spot to soak paws.
  • Cooling vests – Special vests with cooling packs or ice inserts worn on walks provide evaporative cooling.
  • Pupsicles – Blend no-salt chicken or vegetable broth with yogurt into popsicles for hydrating chilled treats.
  • Wading pools – An outdoor kiddie pool filled with water gives your Aussie a spot to take a refreshing dip and cool down.

Use thoughtful precautions like these cooling aids to prevent your Australian Shepherd from getting miserable on sweltering summer days. Keeping your Aussie refreshed and comfortable protects their health and happiness.

Monitor for Signs of Heat Stress

Attentive Australian Shepherd owners should watch for these signs of heat stress on warm days:

  • Heavy panting and difficulty calming down even when resting
  • Bright red gums and tongue
  • Increased drooling
  • Glazed eyes indicating disorientation
  • Rapid heart rate well above normal
  • Weakness, unwillingness or inability to rise
  • Mental dullness or confusion

Take these cues seriously and immediately help your Aussie cool down safely. Catching early heat stress symptoms like heavy panting prevents progression to heat stroke, which can become life-threatening. Never take risks in the heat with this heat-sensitive breed.

With proper vigilance and preparation, Australian Shepherd owners can keep their dogs content despite soaring temperatures. Simple adjustments make summer safer and more comfortable for heat-sensitive Aussies. Stay attentive to your dog’s needs on hot days. Keeping Your Australian Shepherd cool in the summer is a happy Aussie all summer long!

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